<!-- This Script is from www.freecodess.tr.gg, --> <!-- DESCRIPTION: This will make your text bounce in the status bar of the browser. INSTRUCTIONS: Place this script in the HEAD tags of your webpage. Then place the text you want to be bounced in the area that says, "YOUR MESSAGE HERE". FUNCTIONALITY: Works in both Netscape & IE. --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> //Modified by CoffeeCup Software //This code is Copyright (c) 1997 CoffeeCup Software //all rights reserved. License is granted to a single user to //reuse this code on a personal or business Web Site. var yourtext = "* YOUR MESSAGE HERE! *"; var wedge1=" "; var wedge2=" "; var message1=wedge1+yourtext+wedge2; var dir = "lside"; var speed = 50; function bouncey() { if (dir == "lside") { message2=message1.substring(2,message1.length)+" "; window.status=message2; setTimeout("bouncey();",speed); message1=message2; if (message1.substring(0,1) == "*") { dir="rside"; } } else { message2=" "+message1.substring(0,message1.length-2); window.status=message2; setTimeout("bouncey();",speed); message1=message2; if (message1.substring(message1.length-1,message1.length) == "*") { dir="lside"; } } } // -- End Hiding Here --> </SCRIPT> <body onLoad="bouncey()"> <font face="Tahoma"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.freecodess.tr.gg/"><span style="font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none"> Free Code</span></a></font>